📢 Important Update: Airtable Enforcing Free Plan API Limits

Hey Makers :wave:

We want to bring your attention to an important update regarding Airtable’s Free plan API limits, as this change could impact some of our users who rely on Airtable integrations with Make. Keep reading to find out what’s going to change! :eyes:

:gear: What’s changing

Starting January 22, 2025, Airtable will strictly enforce its API limits for users on the Free plan. Specifically:

  • Free plan workspaces are limited to 1,000 API calls per month.
  • Historically, Airtable reduced the rate of API requests for Free workspaces exceeding the limit. However, moving forward, API calls exceeding the limit will be blocked.

Free plan users will be granted a 30-day grace period the first time they hit the limit. During this time, API usage will not be blocked, providing users an opportunity to either reduce their usage or upgrade to a paid plan.

:information_source: For detailed information, and more on managing API calls limits, please refer to Airtable’s official support documentation

:memo: Important note

It is important to note that this is an Airtable update to their API limit, and Make cannot speak or advise on behalf of Airtable. Please contact Airtable support for any Airtable-specific issues related to this update.

:question: How it might affect you

  • Scenario Impact: If your workflows involve frequent calls to Airtable’s API through Make, and you are on the Free plan, you may encounter Rate Limit Errors (429) once the limits are enforced.

  • Action Required: To prevent interruptions, monitor your API usage and consider upgrading to a paid Airtable plan if necessary.

:muscle: What is Make doing

To ensure a smooth transition:

  1. Error Messaging: Our platform is already equipped to handle Airtable’s Rate Limit Error (429) gracefully, so your workflows won’t break unexpectedly.

  2. Community Support: We’ve created this post as a reference for any questions or issues you may face related to this update.

Support Guidance: If you encounter errors related to Airtable’s API limits, our support team will direct you to this post for clarification.

:star: Recommendations for Free plan users

  • Check Your Usage: You can view your API call usage in your Airtable workspace settings.

  • Plan Your Workflows: If you’re nearing the limit, consider restructuring workflows to optimize API calls or upgrading to Airtable’s paid plans.

  • Stay Informed: Airtable has communicated this update to affected users. Be sure to check your email for details from Airtable.