Integration between MAKE and LinkedIn

What are you trying to achieve?

Hello everyone,
I’m delighted to join this community.
I’m truly fascinated by MAKE and have spent many hours learning and exploring it. However, I encountered an issue while working on my first scenario.

My goal is to create a scenario that:

Retrieves messages received on LinkedIn.
Archives the sender’s first name, last name, and email address in a Google Sheets file.
Automatically replies to the received messages using my Gmail account.
I would greatly appreciate your help in achieving this project. Thank you in advance!


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Hello @Farhat Can you share a screenshot of where you having the issue

Thank you very much, Emnie, for your response.
The issue is that MAKE doesn’t integrate a module to read messages from LinkedIn. Also, the notifications received in my Gmail account from LinkedIn don’t contain the sender’s email address. Anyway, I’m not sure where to start…

Dear All,

Any news about this issue.

Hi @Farhat,

I think you should have a look at Browserflow for LinkedIn modules!

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Dear K_B1

Thank you very much for your advice K_B1
I will research this module and keep you updated on my progress.

Please, for your information
linkedin.pdf (257.3 KB)