Invalid email address in parameter 'email_address'

I am getting Invalid email address in parameter ‘email_address’ when trying to get the value from Gmail component. Sometimes not sure why Sender Email contains also name of the sender, so I think it might be related to that.

Output bundle from Gmail
Screenshot 2025-03-04 at 21.27.26

I tried extracting email address but didnt work and I am not sure if I am on the right path.

Hey Karen,

can you share the input and output bundles as well?

I have attached Sender part of an Output bundle from Gmail in the first message. And here is the Output from Mailchimp:

Ok and the input? Is the email OK there?

Here is how it gets the Input:

And then I just get the output and nothing more

Yeah so looks like the sender.email_address variable contains the name as well and it breaks it. You can add a text parser module that extracts only the email address from it (this will work if there is only email address already) and pass it forward.

I am having troubles with regexp, not sure what I am doing wrong but here is the regexp i am using:

And below is the outcome, that is not working:

Put the entire pattern in brackets () and try again.


Brackets did the trick,
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