Issue Sending Emails with Iterator & Microsoft 365

I have a scenario where I am watching for a status change on one board then fetching data from another board. On that board are 4 mirrored email columns. I am trying to send out one email to the 4 mirrored emails.

I tried to use the iterator to concatenate them with semicolons and entered the mapped value into the To Recipients seciton but it’s still giving me the following error.

I only see one bundle passing. What does the output of the first module look like? To combine values you need to use an aggregator not an iterator. Aggregator or text aggreagtor will work. I often prefer a text aggregator in most situations because I am able to specify the separator.

Hope this helps!

Giving that a try now. Here’s where I’m at.

Text output seems correct however still getting the following error message


Your on the right track. However first thing you need to figure out is how the email field needs to be formatted so you can map it.
You can do this by manually entering in the emails and looking at the output of the email module.
From there you now need to use the text aggregator to properly format the list of emails so that it will be accepted into the email field.
Hope this helps!

Do you suggest within I change the column type from email to text?

No, that is not needed. You need to figure out how the email field is formatted within the Microsoft module. If you can run that module by itself with some test emails I can show you where you need to look to get the correct formatting.

I removed the text aggregator and entered my email directly in the to section. The email came through now however when I go to view the output bundle it just says null.

Can you show how you setup your inputs and the output generated.

If the output are not shown the other option is looking into the developer documentation to find the structure.