Issue with Email Formatting When Importing Contacts from Notion to Brevo via Make**

Hi everyone,

I’m facing a problem when trying to import contacts from Notion to Brevo using Make, and I hope someone here can help!

:mag: Problem Description

I’ve set up an automation in Make to pull contacts from a database in Notion and send them to Brevo. However, some valid email addresses are being rejected by Brevo with the error:

“Invalid email format. Please provide a valid email address.”

I’ve checked the formatting, and everything looks correct.

:hammer_and_wrench: Steps I Followed

  1. Created a database in Notion with a column for emails.
  2. Used Make to extract the data and send it to Brevo.
  3. Set up an email field mapping in Make.
  4. Tested the workflow, but some emails get rejected.

:white_check_mark: What I Tried

  • Verified and normalized email formats before import.
  • Tested different email structures (e.g., no spaces, lowercase, different domains).
  • Tried manually adding rejected emails to Brevo (some pass, others don’t).

:question: What I Need Help With

  • What specific email formats does Brevo accept?
  • Is there any pre-cleaning step I should add in Make?
  • Does anyone have a video tutorial or guide on automating Notion → Make → Brevo properly?

Any advice or solutions would be really appreciated! Thanks in advance for your help. :pray:
