I keep getting this Encountered error in Integration Gmail, Notion scenario

New to make,
I keep getting this email. I tried to connect my Gmail to notion.

The weird part is that on the notion module, I chose the:“enter database id: from the list” and then I added all the fields that I wanted, clicked the run once, and everything ran smoothly.
but once I clicked the scheduling option, and refreshed the page I found that my settings had been changed and I kept getting this annoying error.

this is the setting that it keeps changing to -

this is the blueprint
blueprint.json (57.4 KB)



The Notion module is expecting an Array, and you are sending raw data along with the attachment array, which makes it fail.

If you unselect the switch « map », you should be able to « add items » where you create each individual expected field in Notion.
Or, you have to first create an array with the correct structure, and then map it in Fields.

Can you unselect the « map » and see what you can enter as fields in Notion?


Hi, thanks for the fast response,
I did what you offered multiple times, but now I when I click the run once, I get an error.
this is what I did -

this is my notion table,

and this is the error:
The operation failed with an error. [400] body failed validation. Fix one: body.properties.Email title.title should be defined, instead was undefined. body.properties.Email title.rich_text should be defined, instead was undefined. body.properties.Email title.number should be defined, instead was undefined. body.properties.Email title.url should be defined, instead was undefined. body.properties.Email title.select should be defined, instead was undefined. body.properties.Email title.multi_select should be defined, instead was undefined. body.properties.Email title.people should be defined, instead was undefined. body.properties.Email title.email should be defined, instead was undefined. body.properties.Email title.phone_number should be defined, instead was undefined. body.properties.Email title.date should be defined, instead was undefined. body.properties.Email title.checkbox should be defined, instead was undefined. body.properties.Email title.relation should be defined, instead was undefined. body.properties.Email title.files should be defined, instead was undefined. body.properties.Email title.status should be defined, instead was undefined. body.properties.Email title.id should be defined, instead was undefined. body.properties.Email title.name should be defined, instead was undefined. body.properties.Email title.start should be defined, instead was undefined.

I think I managed to find the problem but I’m unsure what the solution is.
I can successfully transfer the info to the “sender” and to the “date” fields, but all the fields that I defined as “Text” like subject and sender name, seem to be undefined for some reason.

Thanks for your detailed answer.

In fact, it would be simpler that you let the module select the fields for you.

For this, select “Select from the list”, search your database, it should automatically let you see all the fields in your DB.

Then you can map, and it will format the expected JSON doc for Notion automatically.

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Hi, as I mentioned above this is exactly what I did in the beginning, but when I clicked the scheduling option, it changed my "Select from the list” to a manual selection.
still getting the issues with the text fields for some reason, cant make it go away.

Oh that’s weird. Sorry I didn’t read properly.
Changing scheduling should not change any of the scenario blueprint.

Could it be that you didn’t click “OK” when you configured the module or you didn’t save the scenario before refreshing your page?

Can you try again to configure it, click ok, save and see what happens?