Notion Create DB Item returns "[400] undefined is not a property that exists." (maps "title"-property as "unknown")

Hi guys!
I’ve set up a simple Notion scenario, that searches a Notion Database, compares it to some Google Sheets data, and inserts the data into Notion.
Everything worked fine until I changed the property names in Notion.

Since then, Notion throws the error “[400] undefined is not a property that exists.”
What I found out is, that the output of “Create a Database Item” doesn’t map the “Title” property. It only maps it as “unknown”.

Here’s the module output of a new testing scenario:

    "parent": {
        "database_id": "xxx"
    "properties": {
        "undefined": {
            "title": [
                    "text": {
                        "content": "test"

When I set “Enter Database ID” to “manually” and input the title property manually, it works fine:

    "parent": {
        "database_id": "xxx"
    "properties": {
        "title": {
            "title": [
                    "text": {
                        "content": "test"

I’ve already tried to refresh the Notion module, remap the module, delete the module and create a new one and even set up a new testing scenario. Nothing works, besides mapping the title property manually. Since the actual database has a lot of properties and I’m quite lazy, I’d definitely prefer mapping the fields like I did before.

Again, the only thing I changed was the Notion property title name, before that, it worked fine.

Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

@Simo maybe you have an idea? I saw that you’ve posted under similar topics :slight_smile:

This sounds pretty strange - in my experience, clicking on “Refresh” to the right of “Database ID” in the “Create database item” module works for this type of issue, as long as one also selects “Ok” after refreshing the properties.

Why are you mapping the Database ID dynamically? Is that because you use different databases for this automation?

What is the name of your Title property in Notion? (the one that you can expand as a page in the database)


Thanks for the quick reply!
Indeed, this is pretty strange. And yes, with “Refresh” I was able to solve this in the past.
I’m not mapping the Database ID dynamically, only the fields. I just covered the ID because it’s sensitive data (I guess?).

The name of my Title property is simply “title”, with a lowercase “T” instead of the standard “Title” with a capital “T”.

The database ID is the exact same one I used in the “Search Objects” module. This returns the correct data, so I guess this is not the issue.

Here are two more screenshots to clarify the setup:

This is not my first Notion scenario but I never had this issue before.

I could also replicate the issue - and when I changed “title” to “Title”, it worked. It seems this has to do with naming the primary key “title” with a lowercase specifically. I will continue to investigate

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Interesting. Seems like Make doesn’t map the Title property when it’s renamed then? On the other hand, it finds it with its correct name when listing the fields.

I mapped the fields manually in the actual scenario as I described in my first post. This will do until we figure out what the problem is.

Let me know if I can do anything to help you find out what’s going on!

Hello there @alexb1995

Apologies for the delay, and I’m sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

I I want to inform you that this is a known issue on our end, and our development team is actively working on rolling out a fix. I’ll keep a close eye on the progress and update you here as soon as I have any new information.

Thank you very much for your patience and understanding. :pray:


Hi @Michaela,

thanks for the reply!
Alright, glad the issue wasn’t on my side :slight_smile:

For anybody who runs into the same problem before the issue is resolved:
Just map the fields manually and make sure to select the correct “value type”, especially for text fields, since most Notion text fields are actually “Richt Text” rather than just “Text”.
It takes a bit longer than just selecting the fields, but works.


Hello @alexb1995 :wave:

A big thank you for your understanding! The team is now testing a potential solution and as soon as everything checks out, they will roll the fix out. As mentioned before, I’ll make sure to update this thread once that happens.

Also, thank you so much for sharing the workaround with the community! This is incredibly valuable and could help many users who are facing this. :pray:

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Did you ever get this solved. I’m still getting a 400 error. Thanks

Hello @Eugene

Unfortunately, this issue is still waiting to be resolved. The development team is conducting tests and once completed, they will release the fix.

I am monitoring the situation and I will update everyone in this thread as soon as the fix is implemented. If you’d prefer email notifications, you can open a support ticket to be automatically informed once the fix is rolled out.

In the meantime, you could check out the workaround suggested by @alexb1995 and see if it might be of assistance.

I’m sorry for any frustration or inconvenience this has caused.
Thank you for your patience and understanding :pray:

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I’m having the exact same problem. It was working fine until this morning, until I got the same error message in the middle an operation. I tried refreshing the notion module but I keep on getting the same error.

Hello @giannicipriano welcome to the Make Community :wave: :make:

Firstly, the fix for the issue reported here was released a while ago. My apologies for not sharing this update with the community sooner. It must have slipped between the cracks during the holiday period.

Currently, we are not aware of any reported issues related to the Notion ‘Create a Database Item’ module. However, it seems that this might require a more thorough investigation. Could you please open a ticket with us? Our support team has all the needed tools and processes to provide the assistance you need.

Thank you :raised_hands:

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Thanks Michaela. I’ll go ahead and submit a ticket

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