I’m facing an issue when trying to create a document from a template using the Google Docs module in Make.com. Here’s the problem:
I want to generate a document from a template, but the data I need to insert is in Markdown format.
• When I pass the Markdown data directly to the template, it appears in the document as raw Markdown code instead of being formatted.
• I also tried converting the Markdown to HTML before passing it to the template, but the result still shows the raw HTML code in the document, not the formatted content.
Has anyone faced a similar issue or knows how to properly handle Markdown/HTML data in this scenario? Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated!
Did you find a solution to this? I trying following the instructions in what is suggested on the reply to this post but I couldn’t get it to work? It may be because I am using a template and have mapped fields?
Hey @Tom_Street
I didn’t get any solutions yet for the template one but it will work on the create document module (blank doc) just change the markdown to HTML and then it will pars the HTML.
@Yonatan_Tesfaye I resolved this issue by creating an apps script in the template. This is what I used:
function processNewDocs() {
var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById("YOUR_FOLDER_ID_HERE"); // Replace with your actual folder ID
var files = folder.getFiles();
while (files.hasNext()) {
var file = files.next();
if (file.getMimeType() === MimeType.GOOGLE_DOCS) {
var doc = DocumentApp.openById(file.getId());
function processMarkdownInDoc(doc) {
var body = doc.getBody();
var textElement = body.editAsText();
// Process Headers (using regex that allows an optional space and enforces the correct number of '#' characters)
// H1: Exactly one '#' (not followed by another '#')
applyHeaderFormatting(textElement, /^#(?!#)\s?(.*)$/gm, 24, true);
// H2: Exactly two '#' (not followed by a third)
applyHeaderFormatting(textElement, /^##(?!#)\s?(.*)$/gm, 20, true);
// H3: Exactly three '#' (not followed by a fourth)
applyHeaderFormatting(textElement, /^###(?!#)\s?(.*)$/gm, 18, true);
// H4: Exactly four '#' (not followed by a fifth)
applyHeaderFormatting(textElement, /^####(?!#)\s?(.*)$/gm, 16, true);
// H5: Exactly five '#' (not followed by a sixth)
applyHeaderFormatting(textElement, /^#####(?!#)\s?(.*)$/gm, 14, true);
// Process bold (**text**)
applyTextFormatting(textElement, /\*\*(.*?)\*\*/g, "bold");
// Process italics (*text* and _text_)
applyTextFormatting(textElement, /(?:\*|_)(.*?)(?:\*|_)/g, "italic");
// Save the document
function applyHeaderFormatting(textElement, regex, fontSize, bold) {
var text = textElement.getText();
// Get all matches using the provided regex
var matches = [...text.matchAll(regex)];
// Process matches in reverse order to avoid index shifting issues after modifying the text
for (let i = matches.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let match = matches[i];
let start = match.index;
let headerContent = match[1];
let contentLength = headerContent.length;
// Delete the entire matched header (including the '#' symbols and any extra whitespace)
textElement.deleteText(start, start + match[0].length - 1);
// Insert the header text without markdown symbols
textElement.insertText(start, headerContent);
// Apply the header formatting (font size and bold if requested)
textElement.setFontSize(start, start + contentLength - 1, fontSize);
if (bold) {
textElement.setBold(start, start + contentLength - 1, true);
function applyTextFormatting(textElement, regex, formatType) {
var text = textElement.getText();
// Get all matches for the markdown (e.g. **text** or *text*/*_text_)
var matches = [...text.matchAll(regex)];
// Process matches in reverse order so that modifications don’t affect the positions of earlier matches
for (let i = matches.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let match = matches[i];
let start = match.index;
let content = match[1];
let contentLength = content.length;
// Remove the markdown symbols by deleting the whole matched string
textElement.deleteText(start, start + match[0].length - 1);
// Reinsert just the content (without markdown symbols)
textElement.insertText(start, content);
// Apply the desired formatting (bold or italic)
if (formatType === "bold") {
textElement.setBold(start, start + contentLength - 1, true);
} else if (formatType === "italic") {
textElement.setItalic(start, start + contentLength - 1, true);
Awesome, thank you! It works but only if I run it in each document. When a new document is created from my template it doesn’t automatically convert the Markdown-script to proper formatting. In appscript for the new document from template it always asks for permissions each time and then I need to run it again to convert. How did you solve this? Thank you in advance!
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