Hi Everyone
Ive watched all the training videos, watched Scotts world on airtable, done all the units in the make training and read every single item of this forum, all the training, all the manuals and even argued straight for hours with a gpt about this (including the one in make) . . but i cannot get this simple scenario to work, and it is killing me, What should be dead simple is right in front of me and Make isnt doing it.
Before you disect the mess im dealing with, right at the end of this scenario I have exactly what I want, dropbox spitting out public URLS which I want to put into an array and then push into airtable as an image. Yes, I know you are about to say “yah it will overwrite what is already in there” . . because for some ungodly reason, the iterator is running multiple batches that dont end at the aggregator, it just thinks the agreggator exists standalone in one of it’s runs. Even if I tell the aggrator that iterator is a starting gun for all this.
“But there are all these steps in the middle between them?”
Anyone who works with helpscout threads knows it is a pig to work with and it creates a complete mess of nested variables. For some ungodly reason it cant see certain variables which i need to find then set (images in the threads) Then use Http to grab the file . . now because Airtable doesnt like secure files I then have to move it to dropbox (works fine, then create a public link (also works fine) which spits out at 52 . . then I was expecting all that goes together into the array aggregattor
the aggregator takes one bundle and the pushes that to airtable, then of course all this happens again (hence all those number 2 up the top) and it overwrites itself.
Yes aggregator is pointing at iterator for the loop.
Any ideas?
Again . . im a full day at this now, read every single article, I even asked a technical person at a company who wanted thousands and a meetig and a scope to simply answer this question.
What am I doing wrong?