Join Our "Start Making with" Training!

Hey Make Community! :raised_hands:

Are you an agency owner, freelancer, or developer looking to level up your automation skills? We’ve got the perfect solution for you! :chart_with_upwards_trend::sparkles:

We are thrilled to introduce our brand-new classroom: Start Making with—your one-stop course to unlock the full potential of automation and AI using

:link: Why Join?

  • :earth_africa: With automation demand booming across the US, Europe, and Asia-Pacific, learning can revolutionize how you work!
  • :briefcase: We’ve helped 500+ customers streamline their workflows, from automating simple to AI powered complex workflows
  • :hourglass_flowing_sand: Turn complex processes that used to take months into automated workflows that save time, boost efficiency, and reduce costs!

:hammer_and_wrench: What You’ll Learn:

  • Detailed walkthroughs of Make’s interface, creating scenarios, and best practices for managing automations.

:mortar_board: Weekly Q&A Sessions: Got questions? Join us every week for live Q&A sessions where we tackle your automation challenges in real-time.

:link: Join us here: Start Making with


:link: Join us here: Start Making with