🎥 New Video Course: AI Tools 101: A Hands-On Guide to Using AI in Make

Hey Makers :wave:

Are you new to Make and interested in getting started with AI? We’ve just launched our new AI-focused course on YouTube. Start learning today! :student:

:tada: We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our first-ever AI-focused course, AI Tools 101: A Hands-On Guide to Using AI in Make, which is now available on our YouTube channel.

:new: If you’re just getting started with Make, this course is the perfect opportunity to learn everything you need to set up and utilize AI in your workflows.

:point_right: Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • An overview of core AI concepts and principles, including key components and capabilities.

  • How to create fundamental scenarios in Make using AI apps and modules.

  • An exploration of several beginner-friendly use cases related to AI tools.

  • Step-by-step guides to prompting, JSON transformation, and error handling

The Make x AI course consists of a total of 10 lessons, which we’ll be rolling out in two parts. The first part of the course is now available, and the second part will launch next Friday, June 28.

:zap: Ready to harness the power of AI in your workflows and spend less time on manual tasks? Come check out the course and begin learning today.

P.S. Stay tuned for more news on this topic - next up, we’ll be rolling out a new batch of AI-related training materials filled with more advanced and role-specific content! :eyes: