Jotform Linked to Excel File

I have tried repeatedly to build a scenario linking my Jotform form to Excel via Make. I have a scenario built, but it is not adding any data to my Excel sheet.

I have tried the Make support, but cannot get things working.

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[ Code { "and": "JSON", "in" : "code block"} ]
:x: Exclude Personal Information.

Hi @David_Topp

On the forum here we donโ€™t have access to your scenario. If youโ€™re able to explain the problem and provide us with any errors or screenshots, weโ€™ll do our best to help.

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Thank you for responding, please see the following screenshots:

Sorry I was not specific enough: a screenshot of the error, relevant output bundles and a birds eye view of the scenario would be great!

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I am not getting any errors or codes. I am attaching 3 screenshots, hoping it is what you requested.

Thank you,


Hi @David_Topp,

From the screenshot shared above, it seems like the scenario is working as intended. There are a few changes you might need to do, to ensure newer form submissions are submitted to Excel, but I guess that is not the concern at the moment.

There might be a few issues, One being an Incorrect WorkSheet being used, which might not be the case though.

Can you share two more screenshots, one each for the response of JotForm and the other one response to any one of the results in the Google Sheet Module?

Just click on those 1 and 19 and can you share the output of what you are getting from Jotform for one submission and another one for the excel, which will have an input and output bundle, just wanted to review what is being received and what is being sent.

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Ok, I hope I did this correctly.

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Hi @David_Topp happy Friday :wave:

Thanks a lot for sharing the final solution that you reached with the guidance of @Loopz and @Runcorn.

Just FYI: I marked your last comment as a solution so that we keep the community tidy and organized :white_check_mark: