Just do one operation after one module had done multiple operations


I’ve got a scenario where it searches In my data store. The output it’s different Bundles, and then I send an email to all of the keys of that search.

The problem is that later one I want to notify myself with a text message and get how much messages have been sent.

What I do is use an array aggregator and get the number of elements there, but the problem is that the operation is done multiple times, the same number of emails I had sent.

How can I just do one operation after multiple operations have occurred?


Hi @Anton_Kivahuk_Burda ,

Maybe you could use a group by in your array aggregator or an array function like deduplicate.

Please could you add an example of output bundle of the array aggregator (it may help)?




The problem it also does 4 searches on the data store, when I don’t use nothing from Postmark so in theory it only should do 1 search right?

Here is the output
