I have a LinkedIn account (personal) and a company page (business). I want to post new articles from the COMPANY PAGE, however, when I run the scenario, it posts from my personal page. I have created all the appropriate authentication properties from LinkedIn developer based on my company page, but it still posts from my personal page. Could anyone please assist.
Thank You.
Hey @Dimitry
please add the Developer Application URN, and scopes also, after that only your authentication will work.
see the image and let me know if you need anything else
if this was helpful please note this as a solution.
@Anshul_Soni: I have been trying to find that URN but am having difficulties. Is it in the LinkedIn developer module?
@Dimitry : yes, you can follow this link (documentation) - LinkedIn API URNs and IDs - LinkedIn | Microsoft Learn
this will get all your work done, you can also do some research, youtube help, rest is perfect.
@Anshul_Soni : I found my URN, however, it is linked to my personal page - when I input it in Make, it continues to post through my personal account.
Just take Create an Organisation Text Post and you’ll have access to the company pages you manage.