Looking for How-To using webhook to populate Google Sheet for different clients

I have successfully set up one scenario to take the input from a Kadence WordPress contact form and via a webhook, output it to a Google Sheet.

My goal: is there a way to set it up to use one webhook and have it output to different spreadsheets based on the client site? Or do I need to set up a new scenario for each client website and a new webhook for each?

These would all be separate sites as they are different businesses but looking for a way to simplify the data collection.

May peace be upon you @Bill_Trevor

Are you using the custom webhook module ? If so then you can use the same webhook URL in multiple forms for it to trigger the scenario.

You can then setup routers to route the data according to any of the fields from the webhook response.


Hello, yes I am using the custom webhook module. So you are saying I can use the same webhook on different websites and have the output from each unique form feed into different Google Sheets all within the same scenario? If so, how would I differentiate what output goes to what google Sheet? Make a unique form field within each contact form to key on?

yes that would be it and then use that custom filed with the router module to designate correct paths


Awesome, thanks! I will have to look to see if there is something unique I can key on for the router. Maybe the site url parameter to differentiate what Google Sheet it writes to?