Looking to find recent information on the web on companies to bring into Make

I’m trying to design a scenario where Make can go out onto the web and using company stock ticker code (e.g. Tesla - TSLA) find any new information that has been released in the last 24 or 36 hours relevant to that company.
I’ve been trying Perplexity directly, but interestingly it gives me totally random results… sometimes saying there is no news for that company, sometimes saying there is news, and then I asked again straight away, it’ll say there is news which is totally different from the last news it just gave me, but that there is no other news, so I’m not sure I can rely on Perplexity to find it.

That leaves scraping web sites such as Bloomberg, CNBC, Wall Street Journal, MarketWatch, Reuters, and Yahoo Finance Forbes, Business Insider, and Entrepreneur, NASDAQ and NYSE - which should all have articles or summaries of information released, but I’m not really sure where to start…

  1. There are lots of different info source sites to choose
  2. I only want news from the last 24 or 36 hours.
  3. I only want info on specific company ticker codes I give it.
  4. I want to process many ticker codes each day - 50+

I’d be grateful for any suggestions on a way to approach this.

Usually my first point of searching for publicly available APIs is from RapidAPI.

For example, if you want to perform a web search, you could try one of these:
web search APIs - RapidAPI

And if you want stock APIs, you can try stock APIs - RapidAPI

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