Make Basic HTTP request but only get data from the next table once the first has been resolved

Hi all

I just started this year working with REST-API in general. I’m trying to perform a basic HTTP Auth request.
In the first scenario, let’s call it “projects”, i receive around 6000 sets of date with i put through a “parse json” module and a “Create CSV (advanced)” Module, and then upload to an FTP Server. This scenario works great.

The other scenario, let’s call it “adress”, containt over 10’000 sets of date distributet over 65 tables. Make cancels my scenario with the mention that “The operation failed with an error. HTTP response is larger than the allowed max file size.”
I know there are 65 tables as in the API Documentation of the Program I’m getting data from i saw a command that returns just the amount of tables existing.

Is there a way, in Make, where i can get the data of just some tables, let’s say 20, store it. get more data two or three times, and then put all the data in a CSV and upload it to the FTP server.

If there is a way to get the data from, let’s say, the first 20 tables, i could imagine building multiple sceanrios which each parse the info from some tables and use another scenario to put it all into a CSV.


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