Mapping and conversion of a get HTTP request to a Post request


I need some help, I am trying to convert en map data from my first HTTP GET request to a HTTP POSt request.

What kind of step for Mapping and conversion do you recommend?

Also how to I make sure when it is successful nothing happens but if it fails I get a detailed email with the reason why?

Hello @Wishmaster43 and welcome to the Make Community!

Do you mean to say you are running HTTP GET then you wish to transform that data and POST it somewhere else?

Are you able to provide more detail and some screenshots of what you’ve already tried?

@Donald_Mitchell Thank you for your reply.

I am new to and before I used to work with Postman, PowerQuery, and other tools like this. Now I am trying to use as a middleware.

First step is the GET request System1, then I need to convert and map the data of this request and then a POST request for updating system2.

So far as I understand I will het 2 times a HTTP in but what do I need to set in between?

That depends if you need to transform your data or manipulate it in any way.

Assuming you don’t need any of that, I’d start with an HTTP Module for your GET.
Be sure to set Parse Response to No - this will give you the JSON that you can use in your second HTTP module.
Add another HTTP module, this time for the POST.
Map the results of the previous into the Body.

That’s about it at a very basic level, but still needs error-checking, etc…

Have you got an example of the results of the GET and example of how to format the body for the POST?


I do need to transform and manipulate the data that I get back from the Jason file.
For example:

  • Country if country code is NL then Netherlands, if BE then Belgium.
  • If Active then actief
  • Custom columns created to enhance the API for the column missing
  • Then than of course maps each field with each other.

Which apps do you recommend, I can’t share the results due to GDPR.

Hello @Wishmaster43,

If I were you I’d check out Make Academy. The Academy will help you understand what you’re able to do then you can determine the best way to do it.

You might be able to use a switch() function for country code if it’s only a few options, but for dozens or hundreds of options you may need a whole other service/module.