My current goal is to leverage an array iterator off a router to reduce an array and filter out values matching a regex for UUIDs. This functionality is currently working.
We have a template to re-use a scenario for multiple customers, with specific variations.
When I create the iterator > aggregator combo as a normal scenario it works fine.
When I create the iterator > aggregator combo as a template, it won’t let me aggregate the value.
Not all array items only have a basic “Value”.
You’ll need to run the scenario once first so that the aggregator module knows what values are available for aggregation.
Then, you should be able to map the keys from the iterator, whether it is just “Value” or different property keys.
I’ve gathered that, but I’m using a scenario template where the trigger is a webhook.
I’ve tried running a dedicated webhook in the template, but it does not wait for input, so it never gets a data sample for those modules. It’s not actually listening and is more of a placeholder.
It finalizes the scenario in less than a second, probably because the template does not count the same.
If it’s the template that causes issue, then I’ll see if I can make my template use case work by cloning a normal scenario instead.
@cawsanders Just export / import the scenario to re-use it. As long as the data structure stays the same within the webhook and the variables, it will work.
The only thing you need to do after importing a scenario is creating a new webhook.