I have got a problem in creating google contacts from Xero contacts via MAKE
Everything runs great, test drive, all good and working, EXCEPT when i map phone number with a sub item on it (well, address with a sub item works fine tough)
For Example - see the screen shot
Phone has a sub item called Phone Number.
During mapping ,
- If i map to sub menu phone number , it will give me Bundle Validation Error.
1.Phone[ ]: Phone number ---> see screen shot
- if i map to main menu phone number, it works, but the output is wrong.
It gave me the output [Collection], [Collection], [Collection], [Collection]
Which i assume each [Collection] refers to respectively country code, area, phone number, and label
It is either i dunno how to set up the bundle correctly, or it is a system error?
Can someone kindly advise. Thank you