Mapping values to Google Form Options

Hi peeps! I’m stuck on an issue with trying to map an array to a forms choice options. The issue seems to be when trying to map the array into the Options field for the form. I’ve tried a couple of different ways to distribute the array (like get( array[] : Course)) but it doesn’t seem to get me to a solution.

Here is the scenario that creates the array

Here is how the array is being piped in to the form

This the exception message that gets thrown

400: INVALID_ARGUMENT - Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name "Course" at 'requests[0].update_item.item.question_item.question.choice_question.options[0]': Cannot find field.
Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name "Course" at 'requests[0].update_item.item.question_item.question.choice_question.options[1]': Cannot find field.

Not sure what is expected in the Options, Is it a single dropdown/array field or is it a collection?

Try using,

map( array[];Course)

whereby, array is the array aggregator result and Course is the raw name of the array field from the aggregator. It might be lowercase though just verify it by hovering over the Course value on result of aggregator

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ah yeah good question. The form input is for a single dropdown array field. I tried plugging in the formula you mentioned and that didn’t seem to mend the issue at hand. This seems to only create one single option from first value in the array.


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Do we have a solution for this?