Marketing AI Agent with OpenAI GA4 and Slack


I have a OpenAI ->GA4 → Slack integration setup in Make where:

  1. A Webhook captures Slack events.

  2. A Filter ensures the bot doesn’t process its own messages (event.user<BOT_ID>).

  3. The assistant processes valid messages and responds in Slack.

The filter works perfectly without the GA4 module in the setup. However, when I add the GA4 module to fetch analytics data, the filter stops working, and the bot enters an infinite loop, responding to its own messages.


  1. Why would adding the GA4 module affect the filter’s behavior?
  2. How can I ensure the filter consistently blocks bot messages even with GA4 in the workflow?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


It would be necessary to investigate why the Filter has not been applied based on the execution history.
Perhaps the Filter is incorrect.

Thanks @momomomonmon, but filter work without GA4 module, after insert the module is not working

I assume you have Filters set up before and after the GA4 module, but I think it would be difficult for the Community people to solve this problem unless they find out what conditions are set for each Filter and what values are not being filtered.

If you think it is a bug in make, it would be better to contact make support.

Thanks @momomomonmon, you can see the condition on the filter in the first image… Is same setup before and after…

Thank you!
I don’t think I had when I first saw your post, sorry if I missed it…

Sorry to make one request after another, but could you please check the following?

  1. in the second condition text you specify >, but I think you have to specify it with &gt;. Could you please check?
  2. Can you give me a screenshot of the case where the Filter is failing from the execution history?
  3. If you change the condition of 2. event: user from Not equal to to Not equal to (case intensive) or Does not contain or Does not contain (case intensive), how does it work in each setting? What is the behavior?

I remember encountering a similar problem, but I think the only way around it is to change the condition settings…