Migrate Airtable automation to a Make scenario (creating records when found records matches criteria)

Hello Make community,

I’m a pretty Make newbie and I’m trying to build a light personal content management tool, for which I would really value your help: since I have an MVP working but it involves multiple Make scenarios and an Airtable automation which is not really efficient. I’ve tried to explain the situation and questions as clear as possible below, and appreciate your help. Please let me know if you’ll need a clarification.

I’ve managed to get a MVP working with a combination of Make and Airtable automations, but I’d like to migrate the Airtable automation to a Make scenario. Below I described a simplified version of the current setup, with information only relevant for this topic:

Airtable tables setup

  • a) [table tags] where each record is a tag (in this case specific: each tag is an industry description e.g. ‘legal’ or ‘hr’)
  • b) [table feeds] where each record is an rss feed url, and each feed has 1 or more tags (linked from the [table tags])
  • c) [table users] where each record is an user, and each user has 1 or more tags (linked from the [table tags])
  • d) [table content items] where each record is a content item, via a linked field [feed] each content item is linked to a RSS feed in [table feeds] and via that link an additional lookup field retrieves the tag(s) from the feed tags (see (a) above)
    → each record is created in step 3 in the Make scenario #1: see below
  • e) [table personal content]
    → each record is created in step 3 in the Airtable automation: see below

Make scenario #1

  1. [module Airtable Search Records] a list of RSS feeds is retrieved from the Airtable [table feeds] (each record is a rss url)
  2. [module Retrieve RSS feed items] retrieves the content items from the rss feeds
  3. [module Airtable Create a Record] creates content items in Airtable [table content items] based on the content items from the previous step #2 + it passes the ID from the corresponding source feed (step #1) in order to get the linked tag needed in Airtable setup (d) above

Airtable automation (this is the automation I’d like to migrate to Make)
The following Airtable automation is running:

  1. It searches all the created content items in [table content items] (see step #3 in previous Make scenario) with their corresponding tags (see Airtable (d) and Make (3) above)
  2. It searches all users in table [users] with a linked tag that matches the linked tag of the content items
  3. For each found user, it creates a record in [table personal content] with data such as:
  • description text from the original content item
  • linked field to the user [table users]
  • linked field to the source feed [table feeds]

Make scenario 2
After running Make scenario #1 and the Airtable automation, I now have an Airtable table [personal content] where each user has it’s own relevant content from various RSS feeds. In my Make scenario #2 I’m optimizing each record a bit with markdown and creating a title via openAI:

  1. [module Airtable Search records] retrieves the personal content items from table [personal content]
  2. [module HTML to markdown] tranforms possible html to markdown
  3. [module OpenAI Create a completion] creates a personal title based on the content item’s description
  4. [module Airtable Update a Record] updates the content item record with the new created title in previous step

Thanks for coming this far with reading, and thanks in advance for thinking along.
What I’d like to do is migrate the Airtable automation to a separate Make scenario. That would lead to 3 different Make scenarios. A nice to have would be to combine these all in 1 Make scenario, but I can live with 3 different scenarios when that’s getting more complicated.

Can the above be done in Make? My preference would be a non-coding out of the box Make functionality. My assumption I need some iterator/aggregation functions and other modules, but my trials did not lead to anything working.

Thanks in advance for thinking along.