Missing value of required parameter 'id' on Woocommerce

I have a problem with this attempt to automate my Woocommerce product sheets. This is the template I’m using and I have an error on the last module “update product”. The error tells me :
Validation failed for 1 parameter(s).
Missing value of required parameter ‘id’.
I don’t know what this is all about…

Hi @Kilou33

Welcome to community.

This error occurs mainly due to a missing field value with the mapped variable. You can identify the missing value by checking the history. The Update module works only with ‘id.’ Please consider using a filter (id exists) before updating a product

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Ok it’s working now, but the issue was on the first module :slight_smile:


Hi @Kilou33 welcome to the Make Community :blob_wave: :make:

Great to hear that things are up and running now. Thanks for letting us know! :pray:

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Thank you for your help.

I have a new issue : everything is working, logs are fine and tells me that everything work well. But the “update module” is not updating. According to the logs : the 3 first module are ok. The product description is fine. But when it comes to “update the product”, the input is ok : the description mentioned is the one created by ChatGPT, but in the output the description is not the same !

I checked the woocommerce API (reading / writing)… And now I don’t know…