Modifying the date format

I have a problem with parsing a date string using the parseDate function.

String is: 01.07.2024

I tried these functions to apply the mentioned value.
{parseDate(01.07.2024; “DD.MM.YYYY”))}

or more complex:
{{formatDate(parseDate(replace(01.07.2024; “.”; “/”); “DD/MM/YYYY”))}}

The result should be a date formatted for the purposes of Google Sheets in the US version.

Unfortunately, in both cases a parseDate error is output.

Hi @Tomas_Mika ,

Welcome to Make Community!

We have set up a similar scenario, and it seems to be working fine. Please check the below images and notes.

Please copy and paste the below code in your make scenario.

{{parseDate("01.07.2024"; "DD.MM.YYYY")}}
{{formatDate(parseDate("01.07.2024"; "DD.MM.YYYY"); "DD/MM/YYYY")}}

Expected Output: -

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