Hi everyone,
I’m currently working on a scenario in Make.com where I need to filter data from a Google Sheets document. My goal is to retrieve all rows where the date in the “Fecha de Venta” column falls within the last 30 days.
Here’s what I’ve done so far:
• I’ve set up a Google Sheets module to get range values.
• I’ve used a “Set Variable” module to calculate the date 30 days before the current date.
• I then applied a filter using the condition “Fecha de Venta >= date 30 days ago AND Fecha de Venta <= today.”
However, the filter isn’t working as expected, and I’m not getting the correct rows. It seems like the date format might be causing issues. My dates are formatted as DD/MM/YYYY in Google Sheets.
Could anyone help me figure out what might be going wrong or suggest a better way to filter the data correctly?
Thanks in advance!
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Welcome to the Make community!
- You shouldn’t be putting the double quotes around the date format.
- You should not even be using formatDate on the now variable, because that is already a date type variable.
- You should be using parseDate on the text variables from module [1] to convert it into a date type
- You shouldn’t be using the Time Operator, but use the Date Operator instead.
For more information, see Date Format links below.
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Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.
— @samliew
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Hi @Julian2 ,
Please follow below steps of correction:
- You need to use filter from “DateTime Operators”.
- Use parseDate() function over the date from google sheets.
- Remove formatDate() from variable {{now()}}
- Use -30 in addDays.

Msquare Automation - Gold Partner of Make