Need help to map a collection

Hey guys, a newbie here. Can you help me out how could I map the value from attached screenshot? On the next module I see that this value is hidden under {collection}. Any ideas how the mapping function should look like? In the second picture I’m showing you an example what do I mean

Screenshot 2025-01-27 at 20.50.32

Hi @Saidas, If you want to access ‘Value’, you have to use ‘iterator’ module and reference array ‘Meta Data(]’. Then after the iterator just reference iterator’s Value. The hidden value behind {collection} can not be addressed here, it’s most likely data issue in your woocommerce database. Can you check the value manually and post a screen ?

Thank you for your insights, @kudracha! I didn’t use iterator module and I managed to extract the needed value from {collection} successfully. Here’s the method I used to achieve that. Check the picture

@Saidas, thanks for the feedback, what type of HTTP module is this ?

“Get a file”, @kudracha

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