Need help with API PAgination

hi there I need to extract data from an API that allows a maximum of 200 items per page and up to 800 items (4 pages) per request. There’s also a required delay of 5 seconds between each API request.

I’m trying to create an automation process that will:

  1. Fetch all the bundles by iterating through the pages until the total number of pages is reached.
  2. Ensure compliance with the 5-second delay between requests.
  3. Store all the extracted information into a Google Sheet.

Additionally, I want the process to avoid duplicating entries by checking if the data already exists (e.g., using a data store or unique identifiers).

Could you guide me on how to set up such an automation?

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Here is the complete explanation of pagination.

In case of any queries, please let us know.


Thanks that was much help, now I can run the pages but i’m limited to 9 pages because of the API Limit, any tips to be able to run pages above that limit?

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Hey Kevin, Yes, I can definitely help with setting up an automation for this. Using, I can automate the process of fetching data from the API, handling the required delays, and ensuring that no duplicates are added to your Google Sheets.

For more information about my experience and expertise, you can view my profile here: [] . If you’d like to discuss the project further, feel free to book a 30-minute call with me: [Calendly - Farhan Ahmed] .

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