Notion database - Item with several pictures to one post


I work with a marketing content calendar in Notion (database, one row = one post on a specific social media plateform) and one of the columns is a filetype that contains several pictures to be posted with each post.

I use the search object Notion module at the beginning of my scenario.

I post on Linkedin (Business Page + Profile Page) and will extend the automation to Instagram & Facebook (Business Page + Profile Page).

I already have the issue with Linkedin, only one picture is passed to be posted. I guess the correct question is how do I loop over all the pictures & stores URL paths as seen in the screen shot to be able to reuse them later on?

Set Multiple variable tool + Iterator control + Aggregator control? Where in the flow?

Thanks for the help!

Hi Matthieu,
Since “Pictures” is an array, I think you could use (1) an iterator to loop over all the pictures; (2) an aggregator to group all the pictures and store the URLs; and then map the values as needed on the following modules.

If you need this process for all the routes, you may be better off adding these modules before the first Router. Otherwise, you may add these modules on each route where you need them.