Notion embed Bandcamp Player not working?

First of all, i’m not a developer and these are my first steps into, so go easy on me pls =D

I’m trying to embed a Bandcamp player into a Notion page but it seems a bit weird how it’s embedding it.
In notion, if I type /embed and just paste the URL of a track/album as it is, it automatically changes it to a media player.

But when I automate it through Make, it embeds the whole page instead of the media player.
Can someone tell me why is that? Am I doing something wrong or is it just the way it is?


Both ways here to compare:

Both ways I’m inserting this exact URL:

Thank you so much!

Okay, I managed to make it work!! Answering my own question to helping others =)

Searching through Notion documentation, they say it’s actually the way it is, embedding is different through Make automations:

However, I used a third-party service called iFramely, with their API, to make it work through an HTTP GET operation, which modifies the original URL to an EmbbedPlayer URL. They offer this service for many other media websites if you ever need it.

Stay safe =)


Heya there @redineas :wave:

Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information from the Notion documentation! We truly appreciate you keeping the community organized and neat by marking your suggestion as a solution!

Keep up the awesome job! :muscle:

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