Notion : Get sum of items depending on Status property

Hello makers, I want to do something quite simple but I don’t know how to proceed.

I’d like to report sum of items depending on Status from a database to a Google Sheets. Here is my sheet with every status :

Do you have any idea to do that?

In other words, I want the sum calculation number, natively integrated in Notion, that I already have, but i don’t know if I can get this data from API in Make :

Thanks for your help.

Hello, can anyone help me?

Hey @Garry_V

I believe this should be achievable using the ‘Numeric Aggregator’ module:

This should put you on the right track with a bit of testing. If you need more assistance, you can export the data from the Notion - Search Objects module so that the community can help you better.


Hello @Olly_Ats , thank you, it almost works but now I’ve got a new issue.

As I asked, I got sum of items grouped in Status property in output from Numeric aggregator. After that, I’d like to udpate my Google Sheets row but I can’t choose the right number in the right Status :

And here is the result :

Here is the output bundles from Numeric aggregator

        "result": 1,
        "__IMTKEY__": "À appeler"
        "result": 3,
        "__IMTKEY__": "A été appelé"
        "result": 2,
        "__IMTKEY__": "Devis refusé"
        "result": 5,
        "__IMTKEY__": "Devis envoyé"
        "result": 4,
        "__IMTKEY__": "Devis accepté"

Hey @Garry_V

You would need to add an Array Aggregator after the Text Aggregator:

Then the Google Sheet mapping would be similar to this:

Let me know how it goes.

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Thank you so much @Olly_Ats it works perfectly. I would never have found on my own, that’s so cool. I don’t fully understand Array aggregator and Iterator modules, I’m a designer so.

I added a little things in case of none items in the count :wink:
Screenshot 2024-01-31 à 18.22.41

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Glad to hear you have it all set up. You should definitely try out the Make Academy to get a better knowledge of these tools, super helpful.