Now / datetime formatting issues

What are you trying to achieve?

Set the correct dateTime based on the {now} variable right within

Steps taken so far

I used the the {formatDate} in combination with {now}, tried the {parseDate} but nothing helps out. The output is still a weird format in the PDF I’ve create via documentero. Does anyone have some ideas how to solve?

Screenshots: scenario setup, module configuration, errors

Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-22 um 22.04.34.png


You must change sequence- format desired date.

{{formatDate(addDays(now; 7); "DD.MM.YYYY")}}


You’ll have to add days before you turn the date type variable into a text format, because once you’ve formatted it you can’t add more days.

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You’re my hero! It can be so simple. Works perfectly now. Thank you so much.