Open URL's

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Hi, I’ve only dabbled with Make and was able to get a helpful scenario made as follows:
Enter a new job # - Client Name - Job Name in a Google Sheet row which with then create the following with the same name: Clickup List, Clockify Job, Onedrive folder structure, New Google Sheet row in a master list of all of our jobs.

I find myself going to check on each of these after I run this routine and wondering if I can somehow open a URL for each created job in their respective sites. i.e. it would open Google Chrome to the new Clickup List, Clockify Job, and OneDrive folder after they execute. Is this possible? If so, some basic instruction for a rookie Maker is much appreciated!

You could add the URLs to a column in the GSheet:
=HYPERLINK ("link ",“text”)

Make can’t open browser tabs for you, it runs without you looking at it.


That would certainly still save me some clicks. Would there be a way to find/capture the URL’s to paste into the GSheet? These specific URL’s will not have existed before this scenario is run.

This can vary by module/app that you use. Best bet is to run your scenario as-is, and then go to Clickup, Clockify etc and pull up what your scenario created.

Examine the URL of each, and then go back to Make, and look at each module’s top right bubble to see what data it has after it created everything:

Within there, you might be able to identify a piece of data that could be slotted into a URL to form the exact URL you want for each app.

Then when using =HYPERLINK ("link ",“text”) you just change link to:[##.Piece of Data from module]

The part in you just insert the variable from your module:

Heavily silly examples above, and I don’t know what the URL format is for each of your apps, but once you check them and compare, you should be able to form the URLs correctly.

There’s a chance that the ID/URL handle you need is not returned by the module that created it, it depends on the app. In that case, you can add another module for that app that searches for what you just created, and that response should hold more data.


@XenoMax - thank you much! That’s very thorough and helpful!

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