OpenaI assistants with function calling

I hope someone can help - im trying to find some infomation on functin calling with the V2 of the assistiants - in the scenarion function it asks for the funtion/tool url - however there is no help or guide on how to create this - im guiessing it needs to e a new scenario that uses a webhook and passes it to a api POST call however what needs to be passed through because i understand that outside the openai platform you need to pass through ID’s to the chat so that it can submit to the correct threat?

Can someone help? really getting stuck here

Here is the documentation that will give you directions how to get started with function calling.

Hope this helps!

Hi that document helps with building the API through my own cloud functions however not really with the setup or am I missing something?

Just to be clear I have the functions in the assistant setup, on my js based API I can make it work because it handles the function code within the assistant code,
I want to use the functions with the assistant in but it asks for a URL for each function. This is different to how openai handles it