Parse CVS file to end of Excel table

I am a newbie to Make (Integromat), so this may be a dumb question.
I am trying to parse bits of data from a .csv file and add them to the bottom of a table in Microsoft 365 excel. I eventually want to parse data from three different CSV files to the same table in Excel, but was trying to make one work before adding more.
I have searched the Make Community and the Internet, and can’t seem to find a solution. This seems like it should be a simple process, but somehow I am not setting something up correctly.
I have created a scenario with the CSV (parse csv) module to the Microsoft 365 Excel (add a table row) module. Upon execution, the CSV module contains a bundle, but the Excel module contains nothing and nothing get written to the spreadsheet. There are no errors reported for the execution.
With this information, can someone suggest a direction that I should take to get this done. If not enough information, then what additional should I provide to assist in a solution.
Thanks in advance.

Welcome to the Make community!

Looks like you need to actually download the CSV file using the URL before you can pass the CSV contents into the “Parse CSV” module, which does not accept any URLs.

Also, you cannot pass CSV from your local computer. You need to upload it to a file hosting service like OneDrive first, where Make can download it using another module.

See if Microsoft has a download file module, otherwise you can use a HTTP “Get a file” module.


Thank you for the reply.
The file was already loaded on OneDrive, so I added the OneDrive (download) module in front of the CSV parsing module. I then saw that I could select the data field from OneDrive mod. to use in the CSV mod. All appears to be working now.
Again, thanks for the feedback.