Pb with Indexof

Hello makers!
In an HTML content, I want to get the index of a string.
I use the function "indexof(string, substring).
If the substring contains only letters and numbers, it works fine.
However, if the substring contains special characters (eg: > - < …), it does not work!
Do you have any idea?
Thanks by advance

Works for me! I suspect that perhaps your HTML is encoded weird. You can try to use the encoded version of the characters, like &gt; (for >) in the substring to check.

I don’t understand. Today, it’s fine.
Yesterday I spent 2 hours on the bug, with multiple attempts.
Today, The only thing I did before testing was to change the “body type” of the “Http make a request” module (raw/html ->Application), and it was good.
Then I put raw/html back, and it’s also good.
I have to stop the whisky!