PDF to OpenAI stops working

Since a day i get an ‘error’ while uploading a PDF to the OpenAI pdf solution:


It says: It seems there is no text available to analyze in the uploaded PDF. Could you upload the PDF again or check that the file is correct?

I use the same pdf for more then a week now.

Ok, after 2 day’s i think i found what was going on.

  1. in one of my assistants i told it to ‘analyse THIS pdf’ but it has to be THE pdf.
  2. I was using GPT-o-mini and i had to use GPT-o

so besides switching gpt4omini to gpt4o what else was needed to make it work? a change in the instructions? or the prompt? and what exactly? I also have this problem and it was working properly but then i got a similar message to you.

There is a reported problem with vector store assistant too

I switched to Dumpling AI atm, but will check for an LLM on huggingface.