Phone number from WebHook to Twilio not working

What are you trying to achieve?

Hi Team,

I have a webook with a phone number of 10 digit (no country code):

Phone Numbertext / Raw: Phone Number

When I use it in Twilio module to send a SMS, is not working.

I am in the free account and aware that only whitelisted phones will work.

If I input manually, it works.

If I take the variable it does not:

Validation failed for 1 parameter(s).
Missing value of required parameter β€˜to’.

Any help?

I have tried many ways, with and without country code, trying to use regex and trim it, format etc.

Nothing works except unless I type it manually.


Screenshots: scenario setup, module configuration, errors

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Hey Baiana,

can you share a screenshot of the incoming bundle as well?

The error means that there is no phone number coming in at all.

Hi Stoyan,

The webhook ir rather simple. Takes the info from VAPI to an Excel or to Twilio, so as to send an SMS to this number.

I can get it right into the excel. Twilio does not accept it.

I tried also typing +1 in Twilio field, before connect the data from the webook - since in my twilio trial account this number is whitelisted with +1 format.

I have defined the variable as string in VAPI, showing as Text in Make.

If I type the phone number manually in Twilio module, it works, but of course I want that this number is being read from the webhook.

Any hints? Thanks!

Hi @Baiana,

You can try using the parseNumber function to convert the string into a number, or you can use the parseNumber module and define your country code as well and then map it into Twilio.

Best regards,

Msquare Automation
Platinum Partner of Make