I am trying to create a scenario to automate posting on pinterest. I have images I am pulling the URL from a google sheet(can also use google drive if that’s easier), I am creating descriptions and optimizing in perplexity. Initally I tried get a file request, download the file from the URL(drive is accessible) and create a pin. The image would not pull. Read some other threads and it looks like I need to make an API call to pull the image but this is where I am getting stuck. Very new to automation and code in general. Do I need to make an API call first and then use the get function? Here is a screen shot of where I am stuck and what I have set up currently. Thanks for any help.
Where is the file itself stored? You cannot use files stored on google drive or dropbox. It must be a publicly accessible url like google cloud storage.
It is stored in google drive but I do have it opened up to be accessible to anyone with a link, and then using that link as the url.
Hi Tim,
you absolutely don’t need to make an API call to get the file. You can use the Create a Pin module directly and map the google drive url there.
I am having a similar issue - however, in my scenario I did use the “pinterest - create a pin” module. Unfortunately after running the scenario it returns with “missing value of required parameter - url.” Do you know why it would not be able to pull the url from the google sheet?
Are you posting a video or image. Posting a video requires some other modules. The create a pin module does not work for videos.
How did you map your create a pin module?