Pipedrive Labels

Hey #MAKE developers :dart:

Since Pipedrive upgraded the way we can use labels in Pipedrive from a “single option” field to “multiple option” the feature vanished from Make modules.
Where before we could map a label for an object (Deal, Org or Person) now is not possible anymore.

It’s extremely frustrating as when the person does not exist in PD and needs to be created now I need 2 modules to do the job (Create + API call for the update in a label) even more if I need to do the same for an Org and a Deal.

Can this please be revamped in Pipedrive’s Modules please, please, please?:pray:

Also when working with several Pipedrive clients (my case) going in each account to find the options for the API call is a huge pain, and it should be mapped as default in the module.

It’s the same for when creating a Deal and an Organisation as those objects have the labels as default feature in PD.

What is very annoying also is that the option is not even in the modules (Update a Person or Org…) it’s only available via the API call.

Thanks now
I wish everyone a great Make automation day :wave:
Alex - BLC Conseil