Présentation personnelle

Hey there @Gaski

I just wanted to let you know that I translated your question into English since that’s the official language of our ommunity. By keeping the content in one language, we give everybody the chance to step in and help you.

Hello everyone, my name is Arnaud. I am new to using Make and other tools related to programming, automation, and the use of generative artificial intelligence. Given my age of 52 years and the fact that I have not used this type of technology for 20 years, where I create in code, I need a little help to solve 404 errors and other difficulties, especially with my API key, to create simple automations. If some kind souls could help me start correctly, avoiding basic errors at the very beginning of learning these tools, I would be grateful.

Note: Please read our Code of conduct and get familiar with the rules and guidelines that apply here in our community. This way we keep the community organized and neat for everybody.

Thank you very much :pray:

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