Problem downloading YouTube captions

I’m using the YouTube APIs to download captions from my videos. The problem is that the timestamp are all overlapping.
I need to use them to generate the TOC, but this way it doesn’t work.
On the contrary, if I use to download the srt file, the timestamps don’t overlap. Why?

Just curious, what do you mean by “the timestamp are all overlapping”?

So far the only module I’ve tried that provides reliable YouTube caption retrieval is DumplingAI.

To do this, you can try using the Dumpling AI “Get YouTube Transcript” module —

Downloads transcript of YouTube video (2 Credits)

For more information, see, and in the help centre.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.

With “overlapping” I mean this

00:00:00,080 --> 00:00:05,400
creare e vendere corsi onl è un modo

00:00:02,639 --> 00:00:07,799
estremamente efficiente di scalare la

00:00:05,400 --> 00:00:10,000
tua esperienza le tue competenze invece

The second one starts before the end of the first one, and so on.

Since the download captions API call returns data in binary format, I’m using toString() to convert it to a string. May that be the problem?