Problem with Instagram Carousel Post,Help needed

I am struggling to create a carousel post to Instagram as a free user, normal image posts are OK, but I can not make the carousel post work,
I have carousel images and caption in one row, each row of data for one carousel, image URLs are in one cell, separated by comma ,( each carousel contains of 8 images),
I use Iterator module, to go through the URLs in cell of Google sheet, the setting is like this:

and useed Instagram for Business module, create carousel, setting is like this:

when I run it, it posts one image as one post, it suppose to post one carousel having 8 images, but it posts 8 posts, each post is as one the carousel which have only one image in it.

as you see on images of IG module, there are item 1 and item 2, I added 8 items like that, If I put just one item, it gives me error of “Array has less than 2 items.”

I am not sure how to make it right,
anyone willing to help?

Welcome to the Make community!

You are probably missing an array aggregator module.


Every result (item/record) from a iterator module will output a bundle. This can result in multiple bundles, which then trigger multiple operations in future modules (one operation per bundle). To “combine” multiple bundles into a single variable, you’ll need to use an aggregator of some sort.

Aggregators are modules that accumulate multiple bundles into one single bundle. An example of a commonly-used aggregator module is the Array aggregator module. The next popular aggregator is the Text Aggregator which is very flexible and can apply to many use-cases like building of JSON, CSV, HTML.

There are other types of aggregator modules, click the below links to find out more:

Array Aggregator – mapping multiple bundles into a complex field

The Array Aggregator module is very powerful because it allows you to build a complex array of collections for a later module’s field to map multiple items (collections) to it.

This is done using the “Target structure type” of an Array Aggregator module.

Here is an example:

As you can see, the “Map” toggle on complex fields are used when you have an array. You can easily build an array variable to map to a future module’s field, by using an Array Aggregator module and select the “Target Structure Type” as the future module’s field you have mapped the array into.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.

— @samliew

thank you for your response,
I think I got it, I have to put together what it has been in Iterator as one bundle.
I am not a programmer, but here is the new setting:
I use Text aggregator to put them together,

the setting:

the result shows all image URLs correctly here:

when I run it, the results on Iterator and text aggregator shows OK, but on the IG module I get this error:

Nope. You used the wrong aggregator. I only said the Array Aggregator can map multiple bundles into a complex field.

The Text Aggregator does not have a “Target Structure Type” field.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.

— @samliew

Thanks for the replay,
this time I used Array Aggregator, but again I got error,


for the setting of Array aggregator, I am not sure how to set the target structure type,
so I used this, but no good.

this is the error,

this is what shows in Array Aggregator when I run it once

Is anyone who understand this and willing to help?

OK, never mind, it is working now, no changed module or settings, as i posted above, just deleted every module and added again with same setting, and it worked.
I edit my post and delete the image that is not needed.

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Hi @Wellness_Tips,

Glad to know you got it resolved while I was away.

The issue was you were mapping the array to the first item, and not the entire field:


Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.

— @samliew


thank you for reply,