Problem with scenario (Gmail, Evernote and Notion)

Hi all,

I have a problem, my scenario return error in scheduled start :slight_smile:

  • Too many simultaneous connections. (Failure)
  • Cannot initialize the scenario because of the reason ‘Too many simultaneous connections. (Failure)’

If i start manually, i d’ont have error.

Please, you have an ideas ?


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Can you try splitting this into multiple scenarios based on filter?


Thanks for your answer, that’s what I did at the beginning but I prefer to have only one scenario that manages everything.

Maybe you should consider having the templates for the email and the notes in a datastore, looking up the right templates using your business logic and dynamically add the template data into your Gmail and Evernote modules. This way you only have one Gmail module and one Evernote module.

I have no idea what your scenario does but here is a dummy use case. Let’s say the trigger is a chatbot for customer service and you have two possible options, either the chatbot user ask for more information about Automation services or they ask for more information about Consulting services.

You can lookup your row in your datastore based on the type of service they are interested in. For example, if the user is interested in Consulting services you will retrieve that row that will return:

  • email body
  • email subject
  • evernote note

Then you will map those 3 values accordingly in your Gmail and Evernote module.

This setup might not be very practical if you have a lot of dynamic data to replace in your templates.



Thanks for your answer, i see this solution and i back to you if i have a problem.

Hi did You find the solution for this ?