Problems sharing public app (not approved)

Hey there!,

I have had a custom make running for 2 months or so (public but not approved) but I got a message yesterday from a colleague asking if the link is broken as when they visit the invite link it pushes them to select a org instead of the invite screen.

When I’m not on the account that created the app it redirects me to the same screen, I’ve validated the javascript syntax etc.

The app creates a webhook adress & then parses the input from it (quite simple app).

Its almost like the app is acting like its a private app whilst its public.

Have any of you experienced the same issue?

Reached out to support.

Invite link provided in app dashboard

What worked:

Hope it helps someone with a similar problem out


Hello there @Ralf welcome to the community :wave:

Thank you so much for stepping back and sharing the insights from the support team for the benefit of the community :pray:

We all 100% appreciate it :star2: