Processing webhook queue after automatic scenario activation

Hello everyone :wave:,

I’m having an issue with involving three scenarios.

I have a main scenario, a second scenario that activates the main scenario every morning at 8 a.m., and a third scenario that deactivates the main scenario every evening at 8 p.m.

Data received between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m. is stored in the webhook, but when the second scenario activates the main scenario in the morning, it doesn’t automatically process the data that was stored in the queue.

I’ve tried using the action “Make an API Call” with the Make module, but I haven’t been successful.

If anyone has a solution, that would be amazing! :grin:

  1. Scenario with webhook that stores payload into data store. Run a scenario at the end with filter by execution time between 8am-8pm. Scenario is never disabled
  2. Scenario that get payload from data store and processes it, all payloads in one go, at the end check amount of remaining records and run again if needed.
  3. Scenario that launches scenario 2 at 8 am hr.
    This because there is sometimes a problem with stuck queue.