RegEx getting multiple values out of Text Parser

I’m a bit novice at this and I’m trying to get a few values out of the text parser.

I have this example where I’m getting close but I can’t make it work, and I’m not sure if this in the cleanest way?

(?<date>(?<=Date:\* ).+?(?=\n))|(?<duration>(?<=Duration:\* ).+?(?= s\n))|(?<CallerID>(?<=1: \").+?(?=\" <))|(?<Caller>(?<=<).+?(?=>\n2))|(?<Dialed>(?<=2: ).+?(?=\n))|(?<Confidence>(?<=Confidence:\* ).+?(?=\n))|(?<Trans>(?<=TimeDurationSpeakerPhrase\n)((.|\n)*)\n\*DISC)|

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[ Code { "and": "JSON", "in" : "code block"} ]
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