Regex not getting any output

Hi everyone, I’m facing a problem with the text parser module. It doesn’t return any output no matter how many times I try it. I verified the expression on regex 101 and it seems correct.

I don’t understand why there isn’t any output and consumed a lot of operation :frowning:
I need help please

Welcome to the Make community!

When reaching out for assistance with extracting text, it would be super helpful if you could share the actual text you’re trying to match. Screenshots of text can be a bit tricky, so if you could copy and paste the text directly here, that would be awesome! It ensures we can run it against test patterns effectively. If there’s any sensitive info, feel free to change it to something fictional yet still valid by keeping the format intact.

Providing clear text examples saves time on both ends and helps us give you the best possible solution. Without proper examples, we might end up playing a guessing game, and nobody wants that as it is a waste of time! You are more likely to get a correct answer faster. So, help us help you by sharing those text snippets.

Please format the example text this way to preserve line breaks and special characters:

These are the two ways to format text so that it won’t be modified by the forum:

  • Method 1: Type code block manually

    Add three backticks ``` before and after the content/bundle, like this:

    content goes here

  • Method 2. Highlight and click the format button in the editor

If you need further assistance, please provide the following:

Could you go to, paste in your Pattern at the top and paste a complete/full example text you are trying to match from below it?

Then, save the regex example and share the link with us here.

This will allow others to assist you here with your pattern. Thanks!


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.

Thank you for your reactivity but i have another problem now :sweat_smile:

I was about to give you more info

but this happened


Make was down, see

Please try again now that the issue is resolved.

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Hi @Avana_Ny_Aina_Rajoel

I wanted to confirm that we experienced an issue with Google OAuth login to The root cause was identified, a fix has been deployed, and everything should now be up and running. You can find more details about this particular issue on our status page: Make Status - Users unable to login via Google OAUTH to

Could you please confirm if everything is working as expected for you?
Thank you for your patience and cooperation and we sincerely apologize for any disruptions this may have caused. :pray:

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I’m sorry for the late reply.
I’m glad the problem was fixed.

This is text the text I’m working with :slight_smile:

# Automatisation RH : 5 Stratégies Révolutionnaires pour Transformer Votre Gestion des Talents en 2024

## Introduction
- État des lieux de l'automatisation RH en 2024
- Enjeux et défis actuels des départements RH
- Présentation des bénéfices de l'automatisation

## I. L'automatisation du recrutement
### 1.1 Solutions de présélection des candidats
- Intelligence artificielle dans le tri des CV
- Chatbots pour le premier contact
- Évaluation automatisée des compétences

### 1.2 Optimisation du processus d'entretien
- Planification automatique des rendez-vous
- Outils d'évaluation digitaux
- Suivi automatisé des candidatures

## II. Digitalisation de l'onboarding
### 2.1 Plateformes d'intégration digitale
- Portails RH automatisés
- Parcours d'intégration personnalisés
- Documentation numérique intelligente

### 2.2 Suivi automatisé des nouveaux collaborateurs
- KPIs d'intégration
- Feedback automatique
- Programmes de formation digitaux

## III. Gestion administrative automatisée
### 3.1 Dématérialisation des processus RH
- Gestion automatique des congés
- Système de paie intelligent
- Archivage numérique sécurisé

### 3.2 Conformité et reporting
- Tableaux de bord automatisés
- Alertes réglementaires
- Génération de rapports RH

## IV. Management de la performance
### 4.1 Outils d'évaluation continue
- Systèmes d'objectifs digitalisés
- Feedback en temps réel
- Analytics RH

### 4.2 Développement des compétences
- Parcours de formation automatisés
- Recommandations personnalisées
- Suivi des certifications

## V. Analyse prédictive des talents
### 5.1 Intelligence artificielle en RH
- Prédiction des turnovers
- Identification des hauts potentiels
- Planification prévisionnelle

### 5.2 ROI et mesure d'impact
- Indicateurs clés de performance
- Analyse coûts-bénéfices
- Optimisation continue

## Conclusion
- Synthèse des stratégies présentées
- Perspectives d'évolution
- Recommandations pour démarrer

So, here’s the blueprint :

blueprint (1).json (10.6 KB)

My objective for this automation is to retrieve all the lines that start with ##

Here’s the regex101 link :

Thanks in advance !

Welcome to the Make community!

You can use a Text Parser “Match Pattern” module with this Pattern (regular expression):

(?<=^|\n)## (?<heading>.*)


Important Info

  • :warning: Global match must be set to YES!


You may need to use an aggregator to combine the results from this module.

For more information, see Text Parser in the Make Help Center:

Match Pattern
The Match pattern module enables you to find and extract string elements matching a search pattern from a given text. The search pattern is a regular expression (aka regex or regexp), which is a sequence of characters in which each character is either a metacharacter, having a special meaning, or a regular character that has a literal meaning.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.


Thank you! It works!!

( If possible, how did you come up with this expression? I want to understand my mistake )

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No problem, glad I could help!

I don’t know, it just appears in my mind.

Follow the links I provided above to learn more about Regular Expressions.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.

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