I suggest a regular expression for this. substring works fine, but you have more control and a lot more power with regular expressions. I use regex101.com to quickly test the input and the string and then pop it into the Match Pattern module in Text Parser tool.
Here’s the regular expression that will extract UNIQUE-ID
The key is the ([\S]+) pattern which matches 1 or more (using the +) nonwhitespace characters (using the \S) and puts them in a group to extract using the ()s.
The / in the URLs are escaped with \/ to work properly in a regex.
I use it here, and the URLtoParse was set in a SetVariable, but could be as part of an input bundle from another module.
I find that after using substring there are edge cases that force me to do more work, and the expressions with substring becomes harder to read and maintain. Regular Expressions have their own maintenance headaches but I think they are worth more operation simply because of their inherent power to address edge cases much easier, once you know regular expression syntax of course.
The mind bending exercises with substring() and regex’s to be honest end up being very similar in nature.
Was attempting that way first and had me thinking surely there is a better way.
Regex is new to me but Alex’s explanation gave me what I needed to play around and use it a couple different url structures I needed to do the same thing with. I find grasping that easier than substring.
That’s a terrific use of the get() array function to retrieve the element if you know the index won’t change of the element you want.
But a word of warning, that if for some reason there is extra cruft added into the URL that uses / it may fail, and in a silent and an unintended way. I always worry about edge cases .
For the particular requirement, the regex I provided specifically looks for the group between the keywords and doesn’t care about a / inside the unique ID. Malformed URLs would similarly just return no data.
Regex is at the same time more forgiving and more explicit than string substring parsing. I would wager that none of your 3 issues would provide an incorrect unique ID with a regex. And yes in general you could make a list of edge cases for any regex, but that’s the point. You can address the edge cases with a regex and with substring it becomes very complex, with nesting of function calls.
Substring is a simple parser, where as regex is a pattern matcher, a way to process grammars - two very different things.
That link summarizes my preference for regular expressions well. Regular expressions are:
Safe from bugs. Grammars and regular expressions are declarative specifications for strings and streams, which can be used directly by libraries and tools. These specifications are often simpler, more direct, and less likely to be buggy then parsing code written by hand.
Easy to understand. A grammar captures the shape of a sequence in a form that is easier to understand than hand-written parsing code. Regular expressions, alas, are often not easy to understand, because they are a one-line reduced form of what might have been a more understandable regular grammar.
Ready for change. A grammar can be easily edited, but regular expressions, unfortunately, are much harder to change, because a complex regular expression is cryptic and hard to understand.
Yup yup. The two final points address some of the potential downsides from that complexity as well as. I’ve seen clients use a lot of copy/paste regex formulas that work, but due to not fully understanding the code, produce their own edge cases.
If we could use regex with a bit more flexibility as a function, vs a module, it would be much more powerful. Limited perhaps in usage with capture groups, etc…
To each their own, but where the URLs are consistent, and operational efficiency matters, I’ll go for get(split()) I’ve had zero issues with this everywhere it’s in use.
Great discussion everyone! Thanks to all for input.
I’m not heavy on operation use currently, and as a small business just automating some of my basic reoccurring tasks while increasing accuracy by limiting user input errors is my first priority.
For now using the text parser with regex seems to be the best route for me to keep things simple.
When I get further down the road and if operations are getting out of hand, I will then look at ways to increase efficiency in my scenarios.
All I’m doing is getting my pipedrive and xero talking to each other, so I’m not doubling my data input and saving office staff time. That’s worth 10’s of 1000’s of dollars a year to me.