Rss and Google sheet


I want to collect url from my google sheet to feed a RSS module, the googles sheet give me the good answers, but I have an error with Rss module, it doesn’t recognize my url from google sheet. I tried with an url (manually) and it’s work
You will find a screen shot of the process

Thank you for your help

May peace be upon you @Dla89

Please recheck the output data to ensure that the mapped fields has a value while you are performing the test.


Ok Thank you, I put an Email module but I received many email instead of one, do you know how I can fix it?

You will receive an email for each output bundle from your RSS module. This is how Make works. If you want you can use an array aggregator to aggregate all the results of the output just before the email module and then you can combine all the bundles into 1 bundle which can be inserted into the email.


Ok thank you

Merry Christmas

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